Mad Hatter Wedding ideas


The maddest guests needn’t be invited, they will simply fall through the rabbit hole and stumble across your party by chance.


Dress code

Colourful, bold and avant-garde.


Hair code

No one is allowed to have similarities in wedding hair colour or style, other than that, anything goes.


Wedding Décor

Matching furniture is forbidden; the more quintessentially Wonderland, the better.



Be specific when choosing your guests based on personality, if they aren’t at least slightly crazy, they won’t fit in.



Earl Grey is the only tea to be served. It needn’t be high quality and can be of any origin, just make sure it’s Early Grey.



There are three sandwiches which are appropriate for a Mad Hatters Tea Party; minted cucumber, egg mayonnaise and mustard cress, and smoked salmon and cream cheese. Cutting your sandwiches into heart shapes is cute, but would Alice approve of your allegiance to the Queen of Hearts?


The Chelsea Bun

The Chelsea bun is known predominantly for throwing, so get involved, it’s what Tea Parties are made for.



Height should not be discriminated against; therefore, shortbread is totally acceptable at the tea table.



Wedding flowers perfection should be avoided at all costs. If you have a budget for plants, stick to twigs, decaying leaves and fungi.



Being hospitable is essential. This can be achieved through planning a range of unrecognisable party games.



If you’re worried about being outside and it raining, it doesn’t matter too much as the best Mad Hatters Tea Parties are set in very little sunlight. For big budget tea parties, rain and mist machines are encouraged.



If you can’t get bums on seats, bums on anything is fine. Stools, shelves, giant mushrooms; anything goes.


Cheshire cat

One ginger cat is required as ‘purr’ its Cheshire heritage.



This is banned as there is no time in wonderland. However, we would only suggest this tip as optional as if adhered to it can cause havoc, after all, you don’t want your guests to be late for this very important date.

Why do brides wear white?

If you’re getting ready for planning a wedding, and if you’re reading this blog then one can assume so, you’ve probably already picked out a gorgeous white dress for the big day and if you haven’t, we are 99.9% certain that you’ll be in one by the time the wedding date arrives. But why do brides wear white on their wedding day?

The idea of brides wearing white on their wedding day isn’t actually one that’s lasted for centuries and can in fact be pinpointed to one specific point in time. Before we get to that though, we should probably highlight that brides used to wear red on their wedding day – presumably because of romantic connotations – and white was only really worn by ‘unconventional’ brides. The idea that hipster brides existed in the 1800s is one that certainly delights us, whilst the notion that they were deemed so because of wearing white on their wedding day is downright hilarious.

The idea that wearing white was a bad choice had persisted for years though; when Mary Queen of Scots got married in 1559, she wore a white gown. This was widely condemned as inappropriate by the press at the time and the calls only got louder when her French husband died a year later. The reason? Officially he died from an ear condition, thought by many these days to have come from meningitis, but Mary was held to account back then as having cursed the poor man due to her choice of wearing a white wedding dress. In 16th century France, white was officially a colour of mourning.

“But every bride wears white,” we hear you say, “When did a white wedding dress become the norm?” We are glad you asked! Brides wear white not because it suggests innocence as many seem to think, but actually because Queen Victoria happened to like the colour. Yes, rather than pick a red dress, Victoria opted instead for a white gown with an orange blossom wreath, ignoring the protests from members of her court. The wedding dress turned out to be a huge hit with both the public and the newspapers and soon women all across the land were choosing to get married in a white dress.

That’s not the end of the story however, because one can add in another little fact for why brides may opt for white when picking their dress. Just a few years after Queen Victoria married Prince Albert, a popular women’s magazine by the name of Godey’s Lady’s Book stated that white was the most fitting hue for a woman due to be married, with the material used of little consequence. In this article, it was stated that white was an ‘emblem of purity’ and ‘the unsullied heart she now yields to the chosen one’, but this line of thinking was completely unheard of until Queen Victoria chose the colour for her wedding day.

“What become of red?” Good question! Red became less and less popular immediately after the royal wedding and was in fact quickly demoted to being thought of as an awful choice. So bad in fact, that the Farmer’s Almanac (a must read by all of those who worked the land back in the mid-1800s) published a poem on wedding dress colours:

  • Married in White, you have chosen right
  • Married in Grey, you will go far away
  • Married in Black, you will wish yourself back,
  • Married in Red, you will wish yourself dead,
  • Married in Green, ashamed to be seen,
  • Married in Blue, you will always be true,
  • Married in Pearl, you will live in a whirl,
  • Married in Yellow, ashamed of your fellow,
  • Married in Brown, you will live in the town,
  • Married in Pink, your spirit will sink.

Not exactly Keats but there you have it. Why do brides wear white on their wedding day? Because a white wedding dress was the choice that Queen Victoria made for herself!


Children’s wedding hair

Although we all hope to be thoroughly organised for the big day, it’s always a good idea to have a backup plan and do as much in advance as possible, especially when it comes to children’s hair!

Before the big day

The dreaded visit to the hairdressers – it can sometimes be a battle to get children inside when it’s time for a haircut but you’ll likely to want their wedding hair is looking fresh for the wedding day.

Try chatting to your children about their impending haircut in the days leading up to the event – treating a haircut as a grown-up treat can help to get children excited about the experience. It can be worthwhile to spend a few minutes in the salon with your child before their appointment. Allowing them some time to watch other children in the salon chair can help them to feel more comfortable.

A little snack often works wonders for keeping little ones still in the salon chair, and small rewards such as a lollipop or a play in the park on the way home can help to make their experience a positive one.

If your child finds the salon environment particularly stressful, it might be worthwhile looking into a mobile wedding hairdresser, since your child is much more likely to feel at ease in familiar surroundings.

The night before:

Washing hair, the night before can help relieve pressure on the wedding day, and gives you at least one less thing to worry about!

Brush through any tangles before bed, and wash and dry their hair before they go to bed. Using a 2 in 1 shampoo can help to reduce the stressful process too by keeping hair washing time to a minimum whilst also easing any tangles.

To help reduce tangle – try to squeeze as much water from their hair as possible after washing, and try not to rub it with the towel as this can encourage tangles.

A little conditioning spray can help so try to do this when combing through wet and through dry hair using a wide-tooth comb, always starting at the ends. If your child has longer hair it can be beneficial to plait it back or tie it into a loose ponytail as they sleep.

On the wedding day:

There are lots of simple styles that even dads can help with! If your daughter has static hair, before diving right in with a bucket of product, he can lightly spray a hair brush with some low strength hairspray and brush through to tame any fly-aways.

Plaits can be a little tricky so unless he sees himself as a secret hair wizard, try gathering two pieces of hair at the front, twisting them individually to the back of your child’s head. Secure the twists with a couple of bobby pins – if you put them wobbly side down, they’ll grip better. Spraying a clean toothbrush to deal with any tricky flyways can also help.

If you are feeling adventurous, you can create some additional twists using the remainder of the hair, and remember – cute accessories can cover all manner of sins so don’t be afraid to keep things simple and let a couple of nice clips or matching ribbons do the talking!


Make your own decorations

You don’t have to spend a fortune planing a wedding on decorations. Have a go at a project today and give your day a personal touch with handmade creations…

Fabulous fans

How about making some brightly coloured pinwheels for your marquee reception. They add a real pop of colour to the venue, but if you want a softer, more subtle look, try pastel shaded pom poms.

Vintage bunting

You could use pastel coloured cloths and vintage style bunting to pretty up your vintage tea party reception. You can pick up table cloths pretty cheaply on eBay to get a similar look.

3D table numbers

Make cardboard 3D table numbers and then cover them in pretty, shabby chic style fabric. A simple and effective idea that you can easily make at home with old off-cuts of fabric. Mix up the patterns and colours for an eclectic look.

Hanging old pictures around your reception wedding venue is a sure-fire way to get guests talking. Personalise the room with photographs of all your loved ones, then let guests find their faces. You could adapt this for use in your table plan, too.

Pretty pom poms

Draw your guests’ eyes upwards with a ceiling full of paper pom poms and lanterns dangling from the rafters. This year’s hottest decorations are to be found on the ceiling.

Rustic jars

Ask your friends and family to keep all of their old jam jars as they make cute arrangements for a rustic theme. Mix and match different shapes and sizes and fill them with cheap wedding flowers like gypsophila for a feminine, just-picked-from-the-garden look.

Trend alert!

This potted plant table plan is such a lovely idea, perfect for a country themed wedding. You can pot them up yourself, use them as a table plan, and then hand them out as thank you gifts at the end of the night. Double DIY delight

Top table runners

Long trestle-style tables work brilliantly with table runners down the middle – go for gingham if you’re planning a country-style celebration like this couple or hessian if you want a more rustic look. A striking runner will mean you won’t have to go overboard with your wedding flowers, either.


Look radiant on your Wedding day

You’re going to want to look your most beautiful on your wedding day and you’ll want your groom to gasp as he sees you arrive. To help you achieve this we’ve asked some top beauty experts and wedding make-up artists for their advice. Because you don’t want to be making any mistakes with your big day look.

Natural beauty

Try all your wedding makeup on before your wedding day and view it in natural daylight, make-up can look very different indoors and outdoors. Wear waterproof eye make-up where possible, especially mascara for the emotional I Dos!

A good foundation

Have your foundation colour matched to your skin tone and bear that in mind if you’re having a spray tan for the big day. Moisturise your face 30 minutes before applying your makeup, to allow time for your moisturiser to sink in and do its magic.

Always wear a primer before applying foundation to give a smoother appearance and keep your makeup on for longer. Also always wear an eye make-up primer to hold your eyeshadow in place and prevent creasing. Keep a small powder compact to hand to touch up any shiny areas towards the evening.

Set in place

Use a setting spray when your makeup is finished to give it lasting power. If applying your own make-up on the day, try to have a professional go through it with you before the big day, to show you how to do the best application.

Look after your skin

Begin a good skincare routine. If you have any issues book a series of facials to get your skin in tip top condition. Get a skin consultation with a professional so they can advise you on which products will suit your skin type.

Use an SPF daily to protect your skin from the sun and keep shoulders covered if you’re wearing a strapless dress on your wedding day as strap marks are difficult to hide.


How to get a buff bridal body

Unsurprisingly, over 90% of brides hope to shed extra pounds before getting married. However, perhaps more shockingly, as many as one in three will resort to crash dieting in an extreme bid to get their ideal bridal body.

The good news is that crash dieting is completely unnecessary – which is great seeing as it has no benefit to your overall health and is unlikely to give you the results you want anyway.

When Should I Start My Fitness Regime?

There’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach to when you should start your wedding fitness regime. It really does depend on your starting point and how much weight you want to lose. The sooner you start the better. Don’t wait until the last minute to try and lose weight and then expect miracles.

You should be thinking about your diet and exercise plan as soon as you start planning a wedding, so that you don’t end up resorting to a crash diet in a bid to lose pounds at the last minute. Ideally you should aim to reach your weight loss goal within 4 weeks of your wedding, in time for the final dress fittings. That way you’ll be able to focus more on the finishing touches of the wedding planning rather than worrying about fitting into your dream dress.

Set Yourself Short Term Goals

Make sure you take regular exercise over the first four to six weeks for general fitness, then start to target specific areas such as your stomach, thighs and bottom. Keeping a fitness diary will also monitor your progress and help you to feel good about your achievements.

What if I’m Short on Time?

Finding the right kind of exercise regime to suit your needs and schedule can vary from a brisk walk to a full workout in the gym or an exercise video that you found online.

If you have a demanding work and life schedule that rarely allows you to fit exercise in, then try to make lifestyle swaps wherever you can. For example, ditch the car and walk to work or the shops and try to take the stairs instead of the lift – even just taking up small exercises like this will help you keep trim.

High intensity interval training (known as HIIT for short) is great for a busy bride. This consists of short bursts of intense exercise mixed in with small rests, which could benefit you more than a long session in the gym.

You need to start sweating and exercising alongside a healthy diet to make great changes to your body but this doesn’t mean that you need to spend hours on a treadmill.

Above all, have fun and don’t beat yourself up if it takes a while to get the results you want. Getting fit and losing weight healthily takes time, but stick with it and you’ll feel fabulous inside and out when you finally get into that dream wedding dress.


Your Groom needs to be pampered too

So much of the build up to the wedding is about the bride and her beauty regime, whether she decides to do her own wedding makeup or opt for amazing nail art, but what about the groom?

The groom will appear in plenty of pictures on his wedding day, so it’s important to be looking your absolute best.

Consider Your Scent

You’re pretty much guaranteed at least one kiss on your wedding day, but to guarantee you get a few more make sure you smell incredible. Look for an aftershave that comes with a matching moisturiser and shower gel – by using products that all have the same scent, the smell will be stronger. It’s also worth investing in a decent deodorant – test run it ahead of the big day!

Top tip: Invest in a new aftershave so every time you use it you’ll be reminded of your big day. Why not look for a his n hers scent?

Peak Facial Hair

If you’re clean shaven, make sure you invest in a proper shave. If you want to DIY it here is some tips:

Have a hot shower, and layer on some pre-shave oil, which will soften the hairs and moisturise your skin. This also acts as a lubricant so the razor can glide more easily across your skin, especially when combined with shaving cream. Use a decent shaving brush to whip up your shaving cream in a bowl and lather it on your face – by using a brush each hair will be lifted and your skin will get exfoliated too. Follow up with a soothing post shave balm to moisturise and avoid rashes.

Moustache: To make sure your moustache is in perfect condition, start growing it ahead of the big day. Avoid trimming it above the lip until you’re pleased with the length, and comb through it regularly, brushing the hairs outwards. Invest in moustache wax to style it, twisting the ends upwards and outwards for an on-trend look.

Stubble: Designer stubble is set to be a big trend for 2016 – it’s great news if you struggle to grow a full beard, or can’t be bothered to shave regularly! To make the most of your stubble, allow the hairs to grow until it starts to feel itchy and follow the natural lines on your face to create the shape. Wet shave any of the areas that don’t fit the template. If your face is quite chiselled, fade or taper the stubble so there’s not such a defined outline.

Sideburns: Sideburns are having their time in the sun in 2017 – why not join prestigious sideburn fans Elvis, Tom Jones and Bradley Wiggins and grow some of your own? However, this time they’re part of the full beard – sport them solo if you’re feeling truly edgy.

Tight Beard: If want to be on trendy with a beardy look but can’t deal with feeling unkempt, the tight beard is for you. Keep your facial hair trimmed short for this look, as it gives a well-groomed feel. Set your trimmer to 2-3 millimetres and trim evenly all over, before wet shaving the surrounding areas for a well-defined, sharp look.

Short Long Beard: A long beard isn’t for everyone – that trend may be best left to the hipsters. A long beard can appear quite straggly so for a tidy take on the look go for the short long beard. Follow the shape of your face to style this beard and use sharp, groomed lines. Don’t let the beard go past a couple of inches below the chin and leave the hair under the chin and on the neck to grow for a fuller look.

Style Your Hair

Don’t get so caught up in your facial hair that you forget about the hair on your head. See a barber in the run up to your wedding – around two weeks before – to make sure your hair is tidy and in top condition. You may need to trim your neck and hairline just before the big day. Now is not the time to change your trusty hair products in case they don’t result in the desired effect. Stick to your usual style and products – unless your usual look is inspired by Gareth Gates circa 2001.

Get a Manicure

We’re not talking about French tips or a bit of glitter on your ring finger – but instead consider getting a masculine manicure to make sure your nails are looking their very best for the big day. It’s quite likely that your hands will feature in a lot of photos – as you place the wedding ring on your partner’s finger, and as the two of you show off your shiny new rings after the ceremony. By getting a manicure you can make sure your nails look neat, tidy and buffed ready to be captured on camera.


Stay healthy for your big day

Many brides fear about getting sick in the run up to the wedding. With heightened stress and emotion, don’t forget to take the time to relax, stay healthy and look after yourself.

If you are looking to prevent a cold or just want to kick-start a new healthy lifestyle. Here are some of the ways you can avoid getting sick in the run up to your wedding:

Up Your Fruit and Veg Intake

Planning a wedding an sometimes feel like a full time job! So keep your body happy and healthy by giving it the right fuel – not only will you feel like you have more energy but you will also be more prepared to fight off infection. Some simple ways to up your fruit and veg intake is to add a small glass of fruit juice to your day, sprinkle some berries on your morning cereal and keep things like carrot sticks, cucumber and celery to snack on at your desk.

Drink More Water

We all know this but making sure you drink enough water is important for pretty much every aspect of your body. If you struggle to drink enough water, then consider filling up a jug and keeping it on your desk – with the aim to finish it before you leave work. If you are always on the move, then keep a bottle of water handy so you can stay hydrated throughout the day.

Include Probiotics in Your Diet

Introduce probiotics into your diet – probiotics are live bacteria that are good for your health and can be great for keeping a healthy lifestyle. If you are looking for a natural source of probiotics, then include yogurt into your diet – try and opt for more natural low sugar options rather than the highly sweetened variety.

Have Breakfast

Not only will having a healthy breakfast get you energised for the day, it will also stop any reckless snacking mid-morning. As your sugar levels crash you risk reaching for the sweet stuff, keep those hunger pangs at bay my making sure you have a good breakfast.

Get into a Good Hand Washing Routine

Regular hand washing can help keep germs at bay – particularly if you have friends or colleagues around you who are sick! When washing your hands. Handwashing with soap works by removing bacteria and viruses from hands before they get a chance to cause infections or spread to other people. When you wash your hands make sure you use soap and warm water for a minimum of 20 seconds.

Start a Wedding Workout

If you don’t already have a regular exercise routine, then now is the time to introduce one. Walking, swimming or cycling daily can not only give your immune system a helping hand, you will see an overall improvement in your health both mentally and physically. If you are not used to high impact exercise, then start off slowly and go for walks in your lunch break. If you are starting a dramatically different routine them, it’s always a good idea to consult your doctor.

Limit Your Alcohol Intake

Hen parties, stag dos and general pre-wedding celebrations can see your alcohol intake soar. As well as being packed full of empty calories and sugar, alcohol is also a drain on your immune system. Make sure you see alcohol as a naughty treat to be enjoyed in moderation rather than a regular occurrence.

Consider the Flu Jab

If you are classed as a high risk category, then you will receive a flu jab free of charge from the NHS. Even if you don’t come under a high risk group you can still have a flu jab at your local pharmacy, if you are concerned about flu in the lead up to your wedding then speak to your local pharmacy.

If you are planning on kick-starting a healthy diet filled with good fats, protein and lots of fruit and veg then here are some fantastic foods to introduce into your diet:

Green Tea

Swap your morning latte for a green tea, we know it doesn’t go quite so well with a pain au chocolat but you will cut your calorie intake massively. Green tea is also loaded with polyphenols which are powerful antioxidants and can protect your skin against harmful free radicals (yucky stuff that ages your skin!).


It seems like you can’t go on Instagram without seeing an avocado smiling back at you! Whether it’s smashed on toasted, whipped up into a smoothie or chopped up into a salad. This popular fruit is packed full of healthy fats and vitamins and can be a great addition to perk up a sad lunchtime salad.


These little low calories berries are packed with antioxidants and they are so easy to incorporate into your diet. Add to your morning cereal or porridge or keep a little pot handy on your desk to snack on during the day.


Eggs are a great source of protein and can be a fantastic addition to your diet. Eggs cooked in coconut oil can be a great start to your day – add some chopped tomatoes and steamed spinach if you want to also use your breakfast to up your vegetable intake.

Sweet Potatoes

Swap white potatoes for sweet potatoes for an added boost of beta-carotene. They also contain lots of magnesium which is essential for nerve function. Swap your usual mashed potato for sweet potato mash or make some delicious sweet potato wedges.


Add a sprinkling of hazelnuts, walnuts or almonds to your breakfast cereal for a boost in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. Just don’t forget that nuts are also calorific so enjoy in moderation if you are trying to lose weight.

Oily Fish

Oily fish such as salmon, sardines and mackerel will give you a great source of protein and vitamin D and long chain Omega-3s.


Adding soup into your diet can be a great way to increase your vegetable intake and the high water content in soup will mean you are left feeling fuller for longer. If you want to swap your lunchtime sandwich for a bowl of nutritious soup, then consider making your own batches of soup as many shop bought soups have high levels of salt and sugar.


Popeye’s favourite vegetable! Spinach has high levels of chlorophyll which is great for your health. Spinach is also low calorie and really easy to introduce to your diet – add a handful to your favourite smooth, swap your usual lettuce leaves for the dark green stuff or add a steamed portion to your dinner a few times a week.

Coconut Oil

Swap processed cooking oils for organic coconut oil– as well as being a great healthy fat to add to your diet coconut oil also works well as a lip balm or a body oil. If you are adding coconut oil to your diet just remember to consume in moderation as it’s high in calories.


Beautify for your Wedding

Everybody’s priorities are different, whether it’s spending more on that PERFECT wedding venue or that little bit extra for the wedding photographer whose photos you absolutely love, there are some things that you just can’t avoid paying that bit extra for.  As for the beauty side of things, there are certainly a few ways you can keep the pounds in your pocket!

It’s easy enough to get swept up with everything, taking on board all the suggestions of those around you and this can leave you feeling a little overwhelmed as well as worrying about finances to fund it all.

Skincare, Health and Fitness

Certain beauty treatments such as facials, are the most obvious thing a bride feels that she needs but to be honest with you, if you aren’t having regular facials already then there is really no need to start now.  The same thing goes for any other treatments or products promising to tone, tighten or take years off you!

The best thing you can do for your skin is keep yourself healthy.  Making a conscious effort to drink more water, eat more vegetables and increase your protein intake will give you far better and quicker results than any “wonder” treatment or product.  Green and herbal teas are great for keeping you hydrated and for flushing out toxins and they are a lot more interesting than water.

You don’t need to go into a blind panic and sign up at the gym or worse, hand over wads of cash to a personal trainer.  The simplest pleasures in life are free!  Getting out there in the open and doing some high powered walking or running will really jump start your metabolism and you will begin to notice results within a few days – not to mention that you will feel better too!  Even if it’s just 10 minutes a day, make a point of factoring it into your pre-wedding beauty routine and you can start pushing yourself further and for longer as you get used to it


As for manicures and pedicures, while it is lovely to visit the salon and be pampered while they do it for you, this can become extremely costly. Fear not however! These are super simple to do at home and in all honesty I actually prefer doing these myself at home. I don’t have to sit impatiently waiting for my nails to dry in a strange place, I can watch TV or read a book in the comfort of my home while any polish sets.

All you really need for this is a cuticle remover, orange stick and a nail file.  It’s very simple, the cuticle remover when applied and left for a minute will get to work and then you just need to push them back with an orange stick and the cuticle itself should easily come off.  You can remove any dead skin from the heels of your feet with a pumice stone, or by lightly grazing a razor and then just finish off with a good helping of moisturiser.  That’s really all there is to it!

Hair and Makeup

Firstly, make sure it is just a basic trim and not a complete restyle that they need you to model for! There should be no need to worry as you’ll usually find a senior stylist present at all times to ensure there aren’t any mistakes.  As for conditioning your hair, again, it’s nice to get wrapped up in all the beautifying but you don’t need to rush out and buy the latest keratin treatment!  There are lots of home remedies you can make to nourish your hair or even just applying coconut oil can help bring any ratty locks back to their ultimate shine!

When it comes to makeup for the day, if you don’t have the budget for a makeup artist then putting some hours in on YouTube tutorials to teach yourself can really help.  It’s like learning any new skill, it’ll take time so be patient.  I would make sure you find a YouTube artist that you find easy to follow and stick with following their videos only instead of confusing yourself hopping from one to another. If you’re in need of some new make up anyway, then getting yourself down to a makeup counter for a ‘“free” makeover which is redeemable off products purchased after then this could be a great learning tool for you too.

If you really don’t have a budget for wedding hair or makeup artist then don’t scrimp on costs or forego a hair or makeup trial unless you are absolutely sure that they will do a great job for you on your wedding day. Tension will be running higher than normal on your wedding morning and time will be precious so you do not want any nasty surprises or added stress of trying to rectify a bad hair or makeup situation! You could be better off just doing it yourself if you’ve practised enough – that way you will know exactly what you are doing and what to expect.

Get Wedding Party ready

When you’re preparing for the biggest event of the year, managing your time and planning your look is really important. With all the organising that goes into making the day perfect, you might actually forget that this is a time of celebration! Whether you’re the bride-to-be or an honoured guest, here are a few tips to help you to adopt a positive attitude on your way to getting wedding party ready!

Be honest about your budget

Even if you’re not the bride, being part of a wedding can be expensive. A new wedding dress, wedding accessories, gifts, travel expenses – it all adds up. Before you buy your out t or even RSVP, it’s a good idea to be honest about your budget and what you can afford. Don’t go dress shopping “just for fun” and end up falling in love with the designer gown – this goes for brides, too!

Write down all your to-dos

This one goes without saying for the bride-to-be, but don’t think as a wedding guest that you don’t have a lot to get sorted! From hair and nail appointments, to finding the perfect gift, wedding dress and accessories to match, it’s a great idea to make a compact to-do list so that you’re not panicked at the last minute.

Practice those wedding picture poses

Hate how you look in photos? Many people become self-conscious and slouch over as soon as a camera appears. It might sound silly, but spending some time in front of the mirror practicing picture-perfect poses will give you extra confidence on the day. Holding a smile for endless pictures can actually cause you to frown, so remember to try and keep your smile natural.

Have your nails professionally done

Naturally, everyone will want to see your hands on your wedding day! Showing off your beautiful new wedding ring means that people will notice if your nails aren’t up to scratch – the same goes for bridesmaids who are holding bouquets. Take time to moisturise your hands in the week running up to the main event and get a chic matching manicure to your dress or accessories.

Avoid crash diets

Adding ‘clean’ foods to your diet, like fresh veggies, as well as cutting out or limiting your consumption of processed foods, is a great way to look and feel healthier. Avoid crash dieting – it can put a stress on your body and cause your metabolism to go into starvation mode, while also adding unnecessary feelings of guilt during an already stressful time.

Avoid last-minute treatments (facials, Peels, etc.)

Waxing, facial peels and other intensive skincare treatments can cause short-term in inflammation and irritation, so doing these one or two nights before the wedding is a bad call. To give your skin some time to recover, make sure you have all your treatments done at least a week before the event. This will ensure your skin is radiant and ready in time.

Experiment with hairstyles

Everyone’s hair is different and what suits one bride or bridesmaid might look disastrous on another. Check out some simple hairstyles in a magazine or online and try them out to see what suits. Don’t be afraid to mix it up a bit – if you usually go straight, try some loose curls for an elegant look.

Wear natural-looking wedding make-up

Painting on too much bold makeup will make you stand out in wedding photos – and not for the right reasons. If you love a bold lip colour, balance it out with light foundation and simple eye makeup. A natural-looking glow can be achieved with a good exfoliator, primer and highlighter.

Get to know the rest of the wedding Party

Especially if you’re part of the main event, spend a little time getting to know the rest of the party before the wedding. This is a great way to break the ice and you’ll all feel much more comfortable dealing with any last-minute stresses together on the big day!

Break in new shoes

Wearing new shoes that haven’t been broken in can mean taking them off before the night is through. If you find some new shoes that are perfect for your wedding, make sure you spend a few days walking in them around the house so that they’re nice and comfortable in time for the celebrations.