Research your Photographers

Have you been looking for wedding photographers but feel overwhelmed because there are so many options and so many styles?

Or, maybe you’ve dreamed about being a wedding photographer but aren’t sure how to push fear to the sidelines, take that leap of faith and turn your hobby into a full-time career.

What To Ask A Wedding Photographer


  1. Cost is almost always a concern, but it’s not the most important element to your decision. Find out how much the photographer charges for different packages and prints.

  2. Find out how long the photographer has been in business.

  3. Do you actually like the photographer and can you spend the day with the photographer you’re considering hire?

  4. What kind of experience do they have – the longer they’re in business doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the best choice for you.

  5. What contingency plan does your wedding photographer have in place in case something goes wrong?

  6. Ask to look at group photos to ensure all the guests are smiling and laughing, because it’s usually the photographer that makes them smile so you want to know what kind of rapport they will build with you AND your guests.

If you spend a little more time finding the right wedding photographer, it will be well worth it in the end.