Excuse for the brides-to-be

Here are those times when it’s alright to use that age-old excuse of brides-to-be…

To get out of something

  • Sometimes you might find yourself in a situation you don’t want to be in, whether that’s an uncomfortable conversation with a good friend asking if you fancy going to that book club she’s started or just a plain awkward conversation.

  • So know you have a great excuse to get out of anything, you are planning a wedding!!

To show off your ring whenever you want

  • Talking of wedding chat, showing off the ring is another conversation starter and will inevitably grab the attention of anyone around. That well-practiced hand flick of yours to make your ring dazzle and catch people’s eyes will never go to waste, even if you’ve spread the news of your engagement.

To blag some freebies

  • There are lots of bits and bobs involved with weddings, and people know that perfectly well. Because of this, walking around town talking about how you’re getting married may just get you a few freebies. People will want you to buy from them, and what better way to tempt a bride with the loving kindness of a freebie?

  • And then there’s the wedding gift list! Putting together a list of things you want so that people can buy them for you is the absolute dream. That fancy toaster you’ve been eyeing up every time you visit John Lewis? On the list! That activity on your honeymoon that would send you just a bit over budget? On the list!

  • But don’t think it’s all over for you when the wedding has been and gone. If you’ve got a honeymoon planned – whether it’s straight after the big day or a little bit later – it’s a good idea to let them know it’s your honeymoon that you’re celebrating, you lovebirds may just get some special treatment…

To drink in the morning

  • The morning of the big day: the time when the words ‘I’m getting married’ will probably be said again and again in a matter of minutes. It’s a big day and you’ll be feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement, and that glass or bottle of fizz staring at you from your fridge is the perfect way to calm you down. Even if the clock has only just hit 10am, it’s okay because you’re getting married!