A Brief History Of Weddings

The word wedding derives from Anglo-Saxon times when the bride’s father led a public ceremony, called a “wedding”, at which the groom offered guarantees to the bride’s guardians that she would be looked after. These offerings were called “weds”. The occasion is one of life’s primeval and surprisingly unchanged rites of passage. It celebrates the union of two people in love with the sharing of vows and is traditionally witnessed by friends and family.

There was originally no state involvement in a wedding until 1753 and it was only in the 1500s that people started making their vows in church. Almost all of the customs we observe today are merely echoes of the past; from the giving of rings (an ancient Egyptian belief that the circular shape of the ring was a sign of undying, never ending love without beginning or end) to the fact that the groom stands on the bride’s right so his sword arm is free to fend off would be suitors.


Whether your special day is a small registry celebration, a large church gathering or a more personal, non-religious ceremony, start as you mean to go on by making the first day of the rest of your lives the best day of your lives.